Clubcast 038. Introducing the 2025 Friends Club (Season Premiere)

Published On January 15, 2025 
by Chase Tremaine
Would you be interested in becoming a supporter of Chase’s writing, music, and other productions? Join the Friends Club, and in return, you’ll receive all of Chase’s albums, new members-only songs every month, opportunities to meet Chase and discuss music, art, and life with him and other likeminded music lovers, and much more!

Before we dive into some Friends Club member interviews over the next few weeks, we’re kicking off the second season of the Clubcast with the audio version of the years’ big kick-off announcement, which you should have received via email and which can be found in the Announcements / Important topic here on the platform. (The intro music for this episode comes from my new-ish song “Dwell in Safety,” which released last month as part of my Bandcamp release Commitments & Cover Songs, Vol. 4. As a member, you can download this album from the “Products” section of the Friends Club; the collection features multiple cover songs performed by me and Paige as well as multiple originals by each of us.)

Have you considered joining the Friends Club?

The Friends Club is where I connect with my listeners, provide all of my music for free (including new members-only songs every month), and offer discounts for all of my other services, including writing and recording custom/personalized songs. Come join the fun!

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